Wednesday, June 25, 2008

technology is everywhere.

It is strange to me to be sitting on the porch of a summer cottage on a fairly obscure lake on the western coast of Michigan, about 15 minutes away from the nearest town (which is quite tiny) and have my laptop and wireless access to be able to be online. It is so quiet and peaceful, the only noises being the wind rustling the trees on the shore and various birds chirping at each other, including a blue jay that may be dying because it is making a wholly unbirdlike noise. (OK, there is also the faint sound of a boat on the other side of the lake, but doesn't it sound prettier with just the nature stuff?) It is nice, in a way, to be able to check my e-mail and such, but at the same time, it is not REALLY like a vacation if you're not cut off from the world. I feel a little bit chained to it, and even though I could decide to not get online while I'm here, I can't resist the pull...


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At 6:29 PM CDT, Blogger Audrey said...

Ah, but you can resist the pull of doing anything significant online. Joe Posnanski could be a valuable, enjoyable part of a vacation... MCAT studying could not. That is why I did not do any in Chicago.

Speaking of which... how's the Greek coming? =)


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